Thursday, May 27, 2010

Heading to Portland

Jacob and I head out to Portland tomorrow at 12:30pm.

But not after taking Alex to the airport, in Sacramento, for a 9:45am flight with his team... gah!

I already told Jacob that I'm going to be tired and cranky and he better not be counting on me to entertain him during out travels. That sounded mean. Well, it kinda was. But I prefaced it with the plea to please, please PLEASE have something with him (a book, movie, ipod, cards... something, anything) that isn't my phone, to keep him occupied.

Because getting up at 4:00am, driving for 5 hours (round trip from San Jose to Sacramento) going to the airport on a Friday afternoon of a 3 day holiday weekend, standing in line, flying two hours, manuevering around PDX to find the MAX train that will get us into Beaverton... does not sound like a good basis for a happy, patient and rested mother. I'm sure Jacob won't be the best company either. I hope someone reminds me to keep him fed.

Sigh. But after Friday... the rest of the weekend should be fun. Oh. Except for the rain. But we get to see Alex play soccer! With the Cal North ODP (Olympic Development Program) team.
And the games? Will be outside. In the rain. Maybe in the midst of thunderstorms. Sigh.

I'm happy for him. This is a really big deal for him. I hope he does well and gets a lot out of this experience.

Then it is back home and time to deal with, well, all the stuff I need to deal with at home.


Jen said...

Hi! Don't know if you remember me or not. I just reopened my blog "Mamaritaville" and was reading through some of my past comments, and came across one of yours and decided to pop over to see if you were still party of the blog world. AND HERE YOU ARE!! Just wanted to get reacquainted and say HI!

ام حسن said...

صور حب روعة صور حب للعشاق
صور حرف N , خلفيات حرف ان بالانجليزي رومانسية 2014 , تصميم حرف n 2015
صورحرف s 2014 , خلفيات حرف s للعشاق 2014 , تصاميم حرف s حب وغرام 2014
احلا واجمل صور اسماء بنات 2014 اجمل صور اسماء بنات 2014
اسماء ذكور اسلامية 2014, معاني اسماء مواليد اولاد اسلامية جديدة ومعانيها 2015
اجمل اسامي بنات 2014,اسامي بنات روعة 2014 اسامي بنات جديدة
لعبة حرب الملوك الاسطورية
لعبة ضوء القمر سوناتا ومهمة القضاء على الذئاب المتوحشة في الغابة المخيفة
لعبة الحرب العالمية للجنود المحاربين في أراضي المعارك الطاحنة
لعبة القتال المستمر والصراع الأسطوري مع نمور الإرهاب والقضاء عليهم بالأسلحة القوية
لعبة القضاء علي افراد العصبات المتشردين داخل القاعدة
لعبة حرب القاعدة النارية للكبار